
History of Enrisuoma: LEGENDARY TIMES

Most of what we know about pre – historical times comes from The Legend of Enri and Suoma, which is the greatest national treasure. According to the last archaeological researches, the civilisation on the Island is very old, older than the symbolic term known as Year 1. The members of the (mystical-spiritual-historical) village found several traces, like cave-drawings, pieces of ceramic, tools, etc. Written tradition is a great resource of law, system of believes fundaments of civilisation. The first groups of inhabitants found a way to explore the resources of the island in the same way like the inhabitants of similar islands in the area, with one exception: they never explored other islands and they were never explored by outsiders. We can’t find any traces of building ships, which can be useful for some long distance travels; we don’t have any maps of other regions. Historical resources from the early times up until now, never registered any migration from or to the Island.

The first societies founded the basics of Enrisuoma’s unique system. Anthropologic reports state that all the inhabitants are members of the same tribe. From the modern point of view, we can only say that one of the most important social laws of Enrisuoma Island has been total equality. Every member of the society has the same rights and his/her work or even just his/her existence has the same value as the others´.

All historians sharing the opinion, that in pre-historic times, when the number of people living in the island wasn’t bigger than 20 – 25, everybody settled in one place, near the sea, and it was the same place known from the ancient times as Mystical – historical village. The inhabitants never created any institutional religion, but a few researchers believe, that in this time, could exist a strong cult of Enri and Suoma. There are some archaeological proves for that hypothesis. In 1801 ECHS, during the researches for mineral sources, several groups found out ceramic figures with female and male features, dated as older than Year 1.

Latest publications are talking also about animistic believes. Proves are found in the ancient writing system, where the majority of letters used, are based on the nature. It wouldn’t be a surprise; almost every prehistorical civilisation had the cults of nature. However, in written tradition, which is always an echo of older times, we couldn’t find any traces of prayers or any description of sacred places.

We know from tradition that the first inhabitants of the island gathered in its central place, sharing the food (mostly sea fruits, agriculture developed in the historical times), sharing the news, stories, legend of Enri and Suoma. Legends say, that from these times, comes a behaviour, that later became a constitution law (§4. Everybody has a right to do very stupid things in the middle of the crowd). After fishermen came back from the sea with lot of fishes, in home they were shouting so loudly to everyone, they were dancing, pretending fishes etc. For a long time that was the behaviour of fishermen, then become the behaviour of more and more people, and finally it become an island’s law.

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