Paper revolution changed the face of the island, but the writing system changed later, in period between 950 – 1050 ECHS. Experts named this type of writing as semi – symbolic or line writing. Paper brought changes in culture. Poems and laws did no longer exist only in songs or in soft leaves. The Mystical – historical village created the first library in 976 ECHS. In these days we can find a lot of descriptions of biggest events, important council’s meetings; large part is the poetry archive.
During this time, Enrisuomalainen, established every other village. In the previous 6 villages, the number of population starts to grow up; occupation in the village wasn’t so obvious. For example, the musicians´ village, after their split with the messengers in 221 ECHS, became after some time a cultural village, with dancers and a brand new form of art in the island, the painters. People from the village, didn’t want to separate for a long time. Some of them weren’t only musicians or painters, they succeeded in many arts. The opinion from ancient times, that artists shouldn’t concentrate only in the one form of art, was very deep in the thinking of that time. But the speciality of the musicians´ village, lack of space and demographic development, didn’t let them keep this state. Painters were separated first in 976 ECHS, dancers in 1007 ECHS. Dancers Village was built just next to the old musicians´ place, so they could still coexist as an art centre.
In 1195 ECHS the hospital – village was established, separated from the Farmers´ village, where till that time, people were developing the herbalogy. Soon they started the first studies on anatomy, after the first technological inventions, after 1600 ECHS, village was strongly developed.
In 1577 ECHS, a member of Kraubert’s family, which was strongly represented in the Mystical and Fishermen´s villages, found out, that the Island is full of mineral sources, like steel etc.
That became the impulse to create a research centre, which involved the biggest brains of these times. The team successfully found out the ways to use the mineral sources of Enrisuoma Island. In 1623 ECHS, the research centre transformed into the next village, called “Village of Technologies”.
The last, 11th village, is the “Energy- recycling Village”, which was previously a part of the Technologies, est.1580 ECHS. But with the development of technological science, in 1705 ECHS, the Island´s Council made a proclamation of using the volcano as a source of energy. Preparations took 15 ECHS years, and finally in 1720 ECHS the last village is on the map of Enrisuoma.
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