-Maintainance of the volcano
-Maintainance ot the machienery harvesting the energy of the volcano
-Recycling and garbage disposal
-Knowledge of various materials
Excluding Dilivo, this is the oldest village in the Island, est. 20 year ECHS. Inhabitants kept lots of traditions from the legendary times. Before the groups goes fishing, they make a great meeting, with lots of music and dances. After the fishing, if they succeed, they coming back, making a lot of noise, making “stupid things in the middle of the crowd”.
-Fishing, sailing and orientation.
-Forecast of the weather.
-Diving and swimming.
Est. 39 ECHS.
-Animals and forrest
-Hunting, butchering / meat processing
-Wood processing (lumberjack)
-Extracting and processing rubber from suitable trees
Music plays an important role in the Enrisuoma-society. Beside of being entertainment it also works as an tool of communication, less than the ancient times, but never tuned out to be just entertainment. The groups of musicians are divided on few groups. The harmony group, the rhythm group, constructors of the instruments. Every group has a leader who is also responsible of collecting and writing down the compositions, the ideas etc. Group leaders decide about general meetings of the inhabitants of the village, which we can call also a general rehearsals, exchange of the ideas, presentations. (maybe some propositions of the unique instruments by pedro?)
-Building and playing instruments
-Rhythms of the nature
-Anatomy (knowledge of the human body)
-Herbalogy (plants and stuff)
-Musical therapy
-Physiotherapy (massaging and stuff)
-Medicine manufacturing
Place of exchanging of the Island’s goods, time for collecting the garbage, sharing the latest and the most important news. Place where the most important holidays and parties are happening. Near the council place.
Whilst the inhabitants of the communications-village do the most of information processing; the meetings of the council of the island is also a valuable forum for gathering and distributing informations. The brainwork of the council also helps the villages to co-ordinate their actions for the benefit of the whole island. (A shortage of meat will alert the forrestkeepers. Piling up amounts of garbage will advise the energy-environment-recycling village to speed up their work… etc.)
It is very rare that there are serious confilcts or overwhelming problems on the island of Enrisuoma, but in the case of such an event the council can declare an emergency meeting and do their best to find a reasonable solution.
The market opens after the meeting of the council and after all necessary trading the council announces its possible decissions on the matters at hand. This is followed by celebration and open hearted discussions between all the inhabitants of the island.
A small library, where we can find materials about the nature and energy(?).
From legendary times until contemporary.
The inhabitants of the Island created their own historiography, which is the base of this work. Some terms weren’t really translatable. For the needs of this publication we are going to use historical, cultural terms from the European cultural zone, together with Enrisuoma’s. The biggest problem with the description of the Enrisuoma history is chronology. They never used the Julian or the Gregorian calendar system. The calculation of time is based on the number 11 instead of the number 12, accustomed by most modern cultures. 22 hours in a day and 11 hours on a traditional clock-board, also only 11 months per year. So in this publication we are going to use the term ECHS – Enrisuomalainen Chronologic System. Researchers from outside have problems with naming or translating specific terms like historical eras, codification, names of traditions. The Island was isolated from every European or other known historical era. Although, the island’s historians divided their history in 5 stages:
Legendary times ( until 1 ECHS)
Ancient times (1 – 800 ECHS )
Early modern times (800 – 1720 ECHS)
Late modern times (1720 – 2180 ECHS)
Exploration era (2180 ECHS – current)
Most of what we know about pre – historical times comes from The Legend of Enri and Suoma, which is the greatest national treasure. According to the last archaeological researches, the civilisation on the Island is very old, older than the symbolic term known as Year 1. The members of the (mystical-spiritual-historical) village found several traces, like cave-drawings, pieces of ceramic, tools, etc. Written tradition is a great resource of law, system of believes fundaments of civilisation. The first groups of inhabitants found a way to explore the resources of the island in the same way like the inhabitants of similar islands in the area, with one exception: they never explored other islands and they were never explored by outsiders. We can’t find any traces of building ships, which can be useful for some long distance travels; we don’t have any maps of other regions. Historical resources from the early times up until now, never registered any migration from or to the Island.
The first societies founded the basics of Enrisuoma’s unique system. Anthropologic reports state that all the inhabitants are members of the same tribe. From the modern point of view, we can only say that one of the most important social laws of Enrisuoma Island has been total equality. Every member of the society has the same rights and his/her work or even just his/her existence has the same value as the others´.
All historians sharing the opinion, that in pre-historic times, when the number of people living in the island wasn’t bigger than 20 – 25, everybody settled in one place, near the sea, and it was the same place known from the ancient times as Mystical – historical village. The inhabitants never created any institutional religion, but a few researchers believe, that in this time, could exist a strong cult of Enri and Suoma. There are some archaeological proves for that hypothesis. In 1801 ECHS, during the researches for mineral sources, several groups found out ceramic figures with female and male features, dated as older than Year 1.
Latest publications are talking also about animistic believes. Proves are found in the ancient writing system, where the majority of letters used, are based on the nature. It wouldn’t be a surprise; almost every prehistorical civilisation had the cults of nature. However, in written tradition, which is always an echo of older times, we couldn’t find any traces of prayers or any description of sacred places.
We know from tradition that the first inhabitants of the island gathered in its central place, sharing the food (mostly sea fruits, agriculture developed in the historical times), sharing the news, stories, legend of Enri and Suoma. Legends say, that from these times, comes a behaviour, that later became a constitution law (§4. Everybody has a right to do very stupid things in the middle of the crowd). After fishermen came back from the sea with lot of fishes, in home they were shouting so loudly to everyone, they were dancing, pretending fishes etc. For a long time that was the behaviour of fishermen, then become the behaviour of more and more people, and finally it become an island’s law.
The symbolic term “Year 1”, was created in 800 ECHS as an effect of the work of the strongest brains of that time, known also like The first thinking movement. It was possible after the invention of paper. In this year the Council decided to write down every law, which was established so far. Members of the scientists´ and spiritual village, which was also the historical centre, counted the years, and finally established enrisouma’s calendar. They also made the first historical research, which is known in the historiography under the title “Songs of the Enrisuoma”. The word “songs” it’s not use accidentally. Till 800 ECHS, all the laws, stories, news were received by songs or poetry. The first codex, it’s a compilation of 27 songs, written as poetry, within the most important are:
Song about unbreakable law,
Song of the little ones,
Song of the joyful month,
Song of the growing trees,
Song of love.
The first song was the first law ever made - §7. Every one has a responsibility to listen and can be sure that his opinion will be heard. Comes from gatherings in the central place, where existed special time, when everyone could speak, in the situations which needed some decision, the decided as a group. After the settlement of the first villages, the inhabitants created the first Council of the Island (45 ECHS). The council of the island was made by 3 representatives of each village, each voice meant the same, was equally important. After the settlement of the 8th village (1007 ECHS), each village had, and still has, 1 representative.
The first Enrisoumalainen didn’t exclude kids and youth from important gatherings. As the Song of the little ones comments: “Little ones don’t hesitate to sing, to play and to say things that adults would never think about”. It also exists as a law of the island (§6. Everyone has to respect a little ones; everybody has a right to be little).
The Song about the joyful month was talking about special times in the island, within which, the working life on the island stops. The two last laws will be described below.
In the ancient times, the inhabitants of the island started to build separate villages, to organise better functioning of the island. The place that the inhabitants occupied before, became the “mystical – historical” village. First new village was the “Fishermen village”, named like that “20 long songs after song of equality”, which means about 20 years after first law was established (about this below). Then the “Farmer’s village” was established. It was very small in the beginning of the era, but the biggest one in the beginning of modern ages, est. 35 ECHS. Few years later, in 39 ECHS, a “long song” said about Forest keepers Village. Musicians, who were also historians and messengers, settled in their own village about 187 ECHS. Their place couldn’t afford so many people as other villages, so people whose duty was writing, and going across the island with the messages, built their own “Communication Village” in 221 ECHS.
According to the legends, Enri gave a system of writing signs for the Enrisoumalainens. When we look at this system from a modern perspective, we can see that this is a classic example of symbolic signs. Island’s historians don’t have any example of writing before 759 ECHS, because the only material that was used as “paper”, were the leaves, so it’s obvious that none of these “paper-leaves” survived to the contemporary times. Whatsoever, symbolic writing was still in use for about a century from the invention of the paper.
Enrisuoma’s never used ceramic for writing. The system of signs was in use only on the very important times. That behaviour rests in the mentality of the island’s society up until now. They don’t produce useless papers, as we can observe in modern civilisations. Other impact of first writing system we can observe in constitution - Law §9. Everybody has a right to sow flowers and trees. Council wants to assure that there will always be material for important messages. After the “paper – revolution”, the law was still very pragmatic, because paper was, and still is, made from natural substances.
The strong thinking movement brought other fruits, which was a new law (§11. Everybody has to remember that life is a game that you can’t restart). Working process on the calendar, made people thinking about the life and death, about their role in the world. Keeping every proportion, we can say that the beginning of early modern ages was mentally similar to medieval ages in Europe.
Period in culture between 221 – 1007 is called as The Enrisuoma’s Classical époque. Other term existing in historiography is Trinity of arts. According to the classic definition, arts should be universal, more than one way of communication with other people should be found. Pieces of different disciplines of art should coexist with each other, especially music and dance. The dances were characterized of a natural style, imitating nature (wind, fire, rain). The painting of these times was very informative, illustrated songs – stories, news, laws etc. After 800 ECHS, more abstract themes, this started to be dominant after 976 ECHS.
Culture played a very big role in the every day life of Enrisoumalainen. Sharing the food in the council place was always a cultural event, with lots of music and dances. In the oldest written sources, those days are labelled as joyful days. The Council decided to emphasize the meaning of the events, they became a law, and later part of the constitution (§3. Everybody has a right to smile).
Paper revolution changed the face of the island, but the writing system changed later, in period between 950 – 1050 ECHS. Experts named this type of writing as semi – symbolic or line writing. Paper brought changes in culture. Poems and laws did no longer exist only in songs or in soft leaves. The Mystical – historical village created the first library in 976 ECHS. In these days we can find a lot of descriptions of biggest events, important council’s meetings; large part is the poetry archive.
During this time, Enrisuomalainen, established every other village. In the previous 6 villages, the number of population starts to grow up; occupation in the village wasn’t so obvious. For example, the musicians´ village, after their split with the messengers in 221 ECHS, became after some time a cultural village, with dancers and a brand new form of art in the island, the painters. People from the village, didn’t want to separate for a long time. Some of them weren’t only musicians or painters, they succeeded in many arts. The opinion from ancient times, that artists shouldn’t concentrate only in the one form of art, was very deep in the thinking of that time. But the speciality of the musicians´ village, lack of space and demographic development, didn’t let them keep this state. Painters were separated first in 976 ECHS, dancers in 1007 ECHS. Dancers Village was built just next to the old musicians´ place, so they could still coexist as an art centre.
In 1195 ECHS the hospital – village was established, separated from the Farmers´ village, where till that time, people were developing the herbalogy. Soon they started the first studies on anatomy, after the first technological inventions, after 1600 ECHS, village was strongly developed.
In 1577 ECHS, a member of Kraubert’s family, which was strongly represented in the Mystical and Fishermen´s villages, found out, that the Island is full of mineral sources, like steel etc.
That became the impulse to create a research centre, which involved the biggest brains of these times. The team successfully found out the ways to use the mineral sources of Enrisuoma Island. In 1623 ECHS, the research centre transformed into the next village, called “Village of Technologies”.
The last, 11th village, is the “Energy- recycling Village”, which was previously a part of the Technologies, est.1580 ECHS. But with the development of technological science, in 1705 ECHS, the Island´s Council made a proclamation of using the volcano as a source of energy. Preparations took 15 ECHS years, and finally in 1720 ECHS the last village is on the map of Enrisuoma.
In Early modern times there’s also a beginning of demographic boom on the Island. The great development of agriculture, the use of new technologies, the hospital village, caused better quality of life. From 850 ECHS the council made a list of the inhabitants.
The Years 1007 – 1642 ECHS in culture are referred as Époque of many ways. 1007 ECHS it’s a symbolic date of the final split of the three artistic villages, sort of emancipation of art disciplines in the island. The process was on up until 1642 ECHS, which is the date of publication of the legend of Enri and Suoma in modern writing system. That was the beginning of a new cultural movement, focused on the ancient legends.
Emancipation of forms wasn’t an original idea of the artists, it was the effect of the changes. It’s visible especially in the case of painters. More abstract paintings, focused on the sea, especially from 1200’s ECHS. We have a name for this sub-period, existed only in paintings as a Mother sea period.
Musicians and dancers still coexist as a cultural centre. Settling on the new villages brings a big specialisation of the inhabitants. People are concentrated on their occupation, need of knowing other perspectives and skills starts to die. Artists were always in avant-garde of the changes and in 1588 ECHS they started to organise middle-week events, focused on dances, where artists weren’t the performers. Fishermen, farmers, historians etc, played the role of the artist. The Council of the island agreed that through art, people can learn how to be more universal, more open for new things. To keep this good trend, the council decided to add a new law, later known as §2. Everybody has a right to dance, where “dance” was only metaphor of opened mind. This was a first step to big civilisation changes caused by technological boom, also by the inspiration for educational system reformation.
The first years of this age are characterized by the big technological boom. Members of researching groups found big resources of carbon (1720 ECHS) and iron (1749 ECHS) in the volcano area. In the council reports, in the communication papers these years are referred as carbon years or iron years. The profits from these discoveries came very fast, a big development of the agriculture, building ships, a better communication etc. (electricity – volcano in 2000th years; 2080, new project group, made by members of communication, technologists, energy villages Volcano energy group. Way to use energy to send messages with electricity. Island’s radio 2101 ECHS)
Until late modern ages, the school system in the island was very traditional, some villages didn’t have any schools. Fishermen, artists, taught their children from the young age, so one form of occupation was developed in each village, and also in each family. They were 2 universal schools, obligatory for every inhabitant:
High school, in the Mystical- historical village, est. in 74 ECHS. Subjects: history, tradition, legends, laws, poetry, until 269 also reading and writing,
Communication school, in the communication village, est. in 269 ECHS. Subjects: reading, writing, ways of communication, studies of the ancient writing systems.
The new generations of Enrisuoma, wanted a more universal education. Thanks to the new technologies, life started to become easier and faster. Changes in culture gave an inspiration to young brains, who wanted be more universal than their pragmatic parents. Around year 1910 ECHS, young people from all villages formed new movement named Song of the other point of view. The name reminded the first codex of the island, and informed the members of the council that “youth wants a new law, youth wants a change”. Meetings of the movement were similar to the meetings of the Island’s council. Art and culture was not only the inspiration, was also the weapon. Youth organised a lot of cultural performances, during which, they presented their “other point of view”. They convinced with their idea the artists and the technologists, so the “adult” council agreed to discuss. The effect came out in 1921 ECHS, when a group of noble 22nd ( 2 persons, young and adult, from each village), started to work on the reform. 01.01.1925 it’s the date of the beginning of the new educational system, together with a new law: §8. Wherever you look, remember that exist other point of view. Another effect of the movement of the Youth and of the work of the noble 22nd was a big change in the culture, from now on, named as a neoclassical époque.
Before the description of Enrisuoma’s “renaissance”, we have to say a few words about the Great Legend Époque, beginning in early modern times, in 1642 ECHS. In 1623 ECHS, a big storm near the island caused some loses in the island, especially in the fishermen village. Mystical village wasn’t destroyed, but the threat of losing the only copy of written legend created a new challenge: to write down the famous literature treasure in the modern writing system. The project was realized in 1642 ECHS. The publishing of the legend took place in the holiday month; island’s artists presented a legend in the theatrical way. The big success and the pride of having such a heritage, inspired artists and philosophers. In the next dozens of years most of art was influenced by the ancient legend. It was also a golden time for literature and theatre, that were developed faster than ever before. From these time comes another important law of the Island, known as §1. Everyone has a right to act and react.
The Neoclassical époque it’s the next natural step in cultural life. People started to look back in the history, started to form opinions, started to learn from the experience of their ancestors. In these times the council decided to reform a law. In the past ages, Enrisuomalainen were still very pragmatic and didn’t like many details in their laws, so they had created about 80 laws. Some of them were either so obvious or very deep in their tradition or just obsolete. That great historical trend was the best occasion to make an order in the codex. The greatest brains of the Island started the work in the year 1967 ECHS. Among them there were lots of intellectuals of the Island, they proposed to create a constitution which will state mostly about spiritual things, about what every person can share. This is the reason why that group which worked on the constitution, is called in historiography as The soul travellers. They finished their work in 1972 ECHS, from the following year the Constitution was publicly approved by everyone, even by the kids. The founders of the constitution, left space for eventual new laws in the future, but they said that it can be no more than 11, and the character of the new constitution paragraph, has to talk about the spiritual life of every human being. The rest of the laws, pragmatic, were compiled in The Small Book (1983 ECHS).
The demographic boom and the fast modernisation of the Island brought new ideas, philosophic trends and new challenges. In the last years of the late modern era, in the mystical centre, a new thinking movement was born, inspired of their ancestors from year 800 ECHS, who posed new questions: “ If we get to know everything about our Island what else can we do?(…); we are sure that we are isolated from other people, from the whole world. Do we want to know them or we will stay in this safe isolation? It’s ignorance or fear? (…); in which point of the history of the world we are now? What we can give other people and other civilisations, what they can give to us?”. In 70’s movement received a name as II Thinking Movement, and in this time, similar as in 1910 ECHS, the role of young people was crucial.
Members of the movement convinced the council to the idea of the exploration, as a way to develop life in the island. They decided also to add a new paragraph to the constitution (§5. One should remember that you are equally blind when staring at the sun as when wondering in the darkness).
In 2178 ECHS Council decided to send first explorers, to the first land from Enrisuoma. Preparations took 2 years and in the beginning of 2180 Captain Plito went with 11men to an expedition. They reached ……. island and they made a contact with one of the European climate base. After beaten the border of communication, that base was a great source of knowledge for both sides. Enrisoumalainen get to know about geography, languages, etc. After half of a ECHS year, the expedition came back. The success of the first exploration was a great impulse to keep on programme of the exploration idea. In the next years, navigation studies were further developed, as well as language courses. Due to the expeditions, enrisuoma’s language was transferred in the Latin system of letters. In 2187 ECHS the first “exploration Europe” group started, and in the second half of the year, reached the west coast of France.